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Don't trust Alibaba (at least not it's Trade Insurance)German Version, click for the English versionDie Produktion von NMN ist derzeit noch sehr teuer. Wir suchten also, wie viele andere auch, nach preiswerten Angeboten für unsere Studien. Dabei stießen wir auf einen Skandal: Die betrügerischen Machenschaften einiger auf der chinesischen Internetplattform Alibaba (dem chinesischen Gegenstück zu Amazon) gelisteten Firmen, die billiges Nicotinamid als teures NMN anbieten und diesem billigen Nicotinamid den Fantasienamen Food Grade NMN geben. Das lohnt sich, denn Nicotinamid kostet etwa nur ein Zwanzigstel bis max. ein Zehntel dessen, was echtes NMN kostet. Diesen Skandal dokumentieren wir hier auf unserer Homepage. Wir wollen warnen, wollen dabei helfen, dass nicht auch andere Opfer dieser für uns unglaublich teuren Betrügereien werden. Im Vertrauen auf die Aussagekraft zahlreicher Zertifikate haben wir für unsere Studien bei einem der bei Alibaba gelisteten chinesischen Lieferanten NMN bestellt. Wir wollten selbstverständlich die Qualität der gelieferten Substanz zunnächst überprüfen lassen, mussten dann aber erleben, dass es in Europa praktisch kein Labor gibt, dass in der Lage ist, NMN zuverlässig zu analysieren. Die Betrüger können sich also ziemlich sicher fühlen, weil die Kunden die Qualität der gelieferten Substanz nicht ohne weiteres prüfen lassen können. Und das wird von einigen betrügerischen Firmen in China weidlich ausgenutzt. Für uns verwandelte sich ein eigentlich unglücklicher Zufall in einen Glücksfall: 10 Kg NMN aus China wurden vom Zoll wegen des Verdachts, es könnte sich um verbotene Substanzen handeln, zurück behalten und einer Analyse unterzogen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass es sich um billiges Nicotinamid handelt. Davon unabhängig hatten wir in den USA ein Labor gefunden, dass auf die Analyse von NMN spezialisiert war und dieses Labor bestätigte die Analyse des Zolls. Damit war der Betrug objektiv bewiesen. Es wundert niemanden, dass die betroffene Firma (Shaanxi OWENS Productions Co., Ltd.) diesen Betrug heftig bestritt und sogar so weit ging, die Expertise des staatlichen Labors und des international renommierten Labors in den USA in Frage zu stellen. Sie kamen mit abenteuerlichen Ausreden. Dieser Fall ist für jeden, der daran denkt, sich in China mit preiswertem NMN einzudecken, so bedeutsam, dass wir uns entschieden haben, ihn in jeder Einzelheit zu dokumentieren. Wir fühlten uns einigermaßen abgesichert, als wir eine so große Menge NMN in China bestellten, da wir den Kauf über die Plattform Alibaba abwickelten und Alibaba einer sog. Trade Assurance anbietet. Wir glaubten uns also für den Fall eines Betrugs zumindest ein Stück weit geschützt.
Das war ein teurer Irrtum!Wir mussten erleben, dass Alibaba seine schützende Hand über seine chinesischen Unternehmer hält, und dies selbstverständlich auf Kosten seiner westlichen Abnehmer. Unseres Erachtens darf man es so scharf formulieren: Alibaba macht sich dabei zum Komplizen von Betrügern. Uns war ja ein unglücklich-glücklicher Zufall zur Hilfe gekommen: Eine große Sendung aus China wurde, bevor wir sie empfangen konnten, von einer staatlichen Behörde analysiert. Hätten wir die Substanz nach Empfang selbst in einem sog. Third-Party-Labor analysieren lassen, hätten die Betrüger argumentieren können (und nach unseren Erfahrungen wissen wir jetzt: Sie hätten es auch getan !), dass sie ja gar nicht kontrollieren können, ob die Probe, die wir einem solchen Labor zur Analyse übergeben haben, wirklich auch eine Probe aus der gelieferten Sendung ist. Lesen Sie sich diese Dokumentation aufmerksam durch, und auch Sie werden zu der überzeugung gelangen, dass genau dies passiert wäre.
Diese Ausrede war ihnen also verwehrt.Wir sind uns selbstverständlich bewusst, dass nicht jedesmal ein Betrug vorliegt, wenn ein Kunde nicht die bestellte Ware erhält. Es gibt Irrtümer, und der Lieferant versuchte selbstverständlich, sich darauf zu verlegen. Er hätte dann aber erklären müssen, wie es möglich ist, dass es dreimal hintereinander, bei drei aufeinander folgenden Lieferungen im Abstand von Wochen (zunächst 1 Kg, dann zwei und dann 10 kg) immer zu demselben Fehler gekommen sein soll. Denn nach langem Suchen fanden wir ja ein Labor und haben die Proben von den ersten beiden Lieferungen eingeschickt. Nur nebenbei: Jede Analyse einer Probe kostet 290 Dollar! In beiden Fällen handelte es sich um Nicotinamid. Die dritte und letzte Lieferung wurde ohne unser Zutun vom Zoll analysiert, mit demselben Ergebnis.Was noch viel bedeutsamer ist: Bevor wir ein Labor fanden, dass NMN analysieren kann, fanden ein Labor, dass zwar nicht NMN analysieren kann, dass aber in der Lage ist festzustellen, ob es sich bei der Substanz um Nicotinamid handelt. Es gab Indizien, die darauf deuteten, dass es sich bei der gelieferten Substanz um Nicotinamid handeln könnte. Wir konfrontierten den Lieferanten mit diesen Indizien. Es ist ein Lehrstück des Betrugs, mit welch abenteuerlichen Ausreden Dorothy, die Online-Verkäuferin der Firma, uns zu beruhigen versuchte. Es könne gar kein Nicotinamid sein, versicherte sie, weil das in ihrer Firma gar nicht produziert werde. Wir stellten also im Vertrauen auf die Trade Insurance von Alibaba einen Antrag auf Schadenersatz (refund application nennt sich das). Wir erwarteten, dass die Firma sich gegen unsere Vorwürfe wehren würde - aber das tat sie nicht. Das einzige, was sie tat: Sie sandte Alibaba einen Auszug aus unseren WhatsApp-Dialogen, in dem wir uns mit einer falschen Deklaration für den Zoll einverstanden erklärt hatten. Das war eine raffinierte Falle, in die wir da getappt sind: Wir wussten von Kollegen, dass es bei NMN immer wieder Schwierigkeiten mit dem Zoll gibt, weil diese Substanz in Europa praktisch unbekannt ist und NMN derzeit auch noch nicht als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Europa zugelassen ist. Daher kommt es öfter vor, dass der Zoll entsprechende Sendungen nicht an den Empfänger heraus gibt und zurück gehen lässt. Das darf er eigentlich nicht, denn NMN ist keine verbotene Substanz. aber es passiert immer wieder, ist auch uns passiert, als wir einem Kollegen 100 g NMN (von dem wir dachten, es SEI NMN) per Post sandten und die Sendung zurück erhielten. (Beispiel) Wir stimmten der Fehldeklaration also zu - und das verwendete Alibaba nun gegen uns: Sie ignorierten vollständig den Betrug, den objektiv bewiesenen Betrug, und verweigerten die Regulierung mit dem Hinweis, wir seien selbst Schuld, weil die Sendung nur deshalb einbehalten worden sei, weil sie nicht korrekt deklariert worden war. Wir waren fassungslos angesichts dieser Argumentation, denn der Zoll wusste doch vorher gar nicht, was bei der Analyse heraus kommen würde. Es war eine Zufallsstichprobe, und zugrunde lag der Verdacht, es könnte sich um Drogen oder sonstwie verbotene Substanzen handeln. Den Betrug bezeichnete Alibaba verharmlosend als "das Qualitätsproblem" (the quality issue) und verlangte von uns, dass wir uns wegen die quality issues gefälligst mit den Betrügern einigen sollten. Die Betrüger war schließlich nach Drängen von Alibaba sogar bereit, die 10 kg zurück zu nehmen, aber nur unter der Bedingungen, dass diese auch zurück geschickt würden (dass also der Zoll sie auch nicht zum Beispiel einbehält oder vernichtet). Wir sind der Meinung, dass ganz unabhängig von dem Problem mit dem Zoll ein Betrug vorliegt, dass, objektiv bewiesen, nicht das bestellte und versprochene Produkt geliefert wurde und wir daher das Recht haben, den Vertrag zu annullieren und das Geld zurück zu erhalten. Alibaba hatte sehr, sehr viel Verständnis für die armen Betrüger, die doch verständlicherweise erst ihr Material zurück haben wollen (nebenbei: 10 kg Nicotinamid kosten um die 180 Dollar - es ging bei der Bestellung aber um 10.000 Dollar! ).
Alibaba ignoriert bis heute das Vorliegen eines Betrugs vollständig. Wie gesagt: Sie halten die schützende Hand über ihre chinesischen Unternehmer.Das wirklich Skandalöse daran ist, dass Alibaba durch unsere Beweise objektiv weiß, dass mindestens diese Firma betrügt, aber nichts, aber auch gar nichts unternimmt, um andere Kunden vor diesen Betrügereien zu schützen. Die Firma ist weiter bei Alibaba gelistet und sie bietet dieses Fake-NMN, dass sie Food-Grade-NMN nennen, weiterhin bei Alibaba an. Bei Amazon wäre eine solche Firma schon längst gesperrt: Nicht so bei Alibaba.Es ist wahrlich gerechtfertigt zu sagen, dass Alibaba sich durch solches Verhalten zum Komplizen von Betrügern macht. Lesen Sie hier im (englischen) Wortlaut den Streit, den wir mit Alibaba nach unserem Antrag auf Schadenersatz (erfolglos) ausfechten mussten.Die entsprechenden Belege in Form von Screenshots der entsprechenden Seite sind jeweils verlinkt.As I already wrote I'm a bit confused that I still can apply for a refund for this order (that the button is still/again active) because I already applied for a refund. Actutal Situation: In a conversation outside Alibaba (via WhatsApp) the supplier finally after weeks of silence contacted me and finally agreed to fully refund but the supplier seems to make the refund conditional upon getting the packages back. This is inacceptable because I have no influence whatsoever on the decisions of the customs. Therefore I demand that the contract is just undone and that I get my money back unconditionally - and everything else is up to the supplier. This is because it is not my fault that we are in this situation! The supplier just didnât deliver what was ordered and he is therefore fully responsible for all the consequences! - In this private conversation the supplier asked me to accept the packages if they finally should be delivered to me in order to avoid loss of the packages through the customs. I declared that on demand of the supplier I am willing to accept the packages if they should be finally delivered to me but Iâm only willing to do so if I am refunded in advance! Otherwise I will just refuse to accept the packages in order to avoid being fined by the customs. - Summary: I am entitled to a refund of the purchase price regardless of what the customs will decide about the packages! The packages are not delivered! And I am entitled to just refuse to accept them.Beleg
Actual Situation: In a conversation outside Alibaba (via WhatsApp) the supplier finally after weeks of silence contacted me and finally agreed to fully refund but the supplier seems to make the refund conditional upon getting the packages back. This is unacceptable because I have no influence whatsoever on the decisions of the customs. Therefore I demand that the contract is just undone and that I get my money back unconditionally - and everything else is up to the supplier. This is because it is not my fault that we are in this situation! The supplier just didn't deliver what was ordered and he is therefore fully responsible for all the consequences! - In this private conversation the supplier asked me to accept the packages if they finally should be delivered to me in order to avoid loss of the packages through the customs. I declared that on demand of the supplier I am willing to accept the packages if they should be finally delivered to me but I'm only willing to do so if I am refunded in advance! Otherwise I will just refuse to accept the packages in order to avoid being fined by the customs. - Summary: I am entitled to a refund of the purchase price regardless of what the customs will decide about the packages! The packages are not delivered! And I am entitled to just refuse to accept them. One additional remark: I blame the supplier for fraud - deliberately! He tries to talk out by claiming it was just an error. Please be assured that this is absolutely impossible for production-technical reasons. And please read in the attached documents that Dorothy herself excluded this possibility in the very beginning. She claimed that it is not possible that the substance is Nicotinamide because they don't produce Nicotinamide. Although I desperately asked for an explanation (some technical details) how it could be that FOUR different labs in three different countries analyze the substance and declare it to be Nicotinamide I only got dubious explanations, meaningless!
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You are REALLY strange and I don't see any logic in your acting. It's not about the customs. That is not the point! Of course I already sent an email of Swissmedic telling that the packages are with them (translation of the email attached: Dear Mr. Niehenke Thank you for the pleasant phone conversation. I hereby certify that the two consignments (consignment no: 19CHEI001290154256.1 and 19CHEI001298597994.1) are with us. Due to the laboratory tests, it will probably be the end of September, until we can tell you the result.)" It's not about the customs it's about the theft! And you ignore this fact constantly! There would be no problem if I hadn't been scammed. I would try to get the packages from the customs. But I CAN'T do that because they do not contain what was ordered. This is objectively proven for 2 of these 3 packages. Seemingly you really demand from me that I cooperate with a fraudulent company. You seem to distinguish: "The one order might be fraudulent, but there is the second order, and this might be ok!" If I was cheated by a company you can't demand from me to cooperate with this company any longer. So I just have to reject the accept the packages! The packages are still at the customs and I have proven this by the attachment! I demand that the complete order is just UNDONE and that everything else is up to the supplier. You can't expect from me that I take the packages from a scammer just because this special package might be not a scam. It's not my duty to try time and time again whether I get what was ordered or not !!
Alibaba, the accomplice:
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice: It is unacceptable for the following reason: 1. This conflict is not mainly about the customs but about fraud which has been objectively proven. It is simply not possible that you get VERY PURE Nicotinamid just by accident, as I was told by a chemist. You claim that you didn't want to betray and it was just an error that you THREE TIMES IN A ROW (!) just sent Nicotinamid instead of NMN. Do you really think that's plausible? The last fraud was detected by the customs, the former frauds are proven by the analysis of Intertek AND two other labs (ONE of these two is not very reliable and you just draw the attention ONLY to this SINGLE lab !!). Because you cheated you are responsible for ALL OF THE CONSEQUENCES and I HAVE THE RIGHT to completely undo the contract. And in this case you have to refund unconditionally (the contract is UNDONE !). You refuse to unconditionally refund and in so doing you impose the consequences of YOUR WRONGDOING on me. That's unacceptable. You alone are fully responsible for the consequences of your fraud!
Hello Sara You again and again just IGNORE that I was scammed and that this could be objectively proven ! You close your eyes, you don't say a word about it. You constantly ignore this fact. You even allow a scammer to have his fraudulent product further listed at Alibaba although it is objectively proven that it is a scam. You don't protect other customers. You don't do what is your duty. It really seems Alibaba holds its protective hand over its (Chinese) suppliers at the expense of its Western customers! That's a shame. And that's the way you could also shirk your responsibility!
The supplier didn't do ANYTHING to provide evidence for an error and how such an error could occur although I desperately asked for such evidence. In the beginning I trusted Dorothy and I it was so deeply disappointing to be cheated this way. I was even willing to question the expertise of TWO independent labs in Germany and in Switzerland if Dorothy would provide me with some evidence why AND HOW these TWO labs could be wrong. But she just told some obscure fairytales and the chemist at Intertek only could laugh about that. The representative of a company I have contact with via the platform 'Made in China' openly suggests in a phone call that this could only be fraud. He told that is is even fraud or at least misleading to talk about a difference between pharmaceutical grade NMN and food grade NMN because there is still no standard defined for pharmaceutical NMN. So EVERY NMN produced up to now is FOOD GRADE NMN. Dorothy failed to provide technical details because there ARE NO DETAILS supporting her lies! :-(((
As Dorothy herself has shown by uploading part of your WhatsApp conversation I'm even willing to help a scammer to avoid damage on his side. I'm willing to accept the packages IF AND ONLY IF I AM REFUNDED IN ADVANCE. But Dorothy refuses my proposal because she want's ME to take the risk caused by HER fraud. Just read through the dialog: Strange excuses !
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You are not honest, Dorothy, and you know that very well! You know from our WhatsApp-dialog every step I took regarding the delivery. You know AND ALIBABA KNOWS, too, that the package is still at Swissmedic. You know it because Swissmedic has confirmed that and I've uploaded the respective Email. I also had a phone call with FedEx and they told me that neither me or them are able to do something to accelerate the clearance process, that we just have to wait. That's precisely what YOU told me via WhatsApp. Have you forgotten that. Have a look at our dialog! - Why do you lie about that? Of course FedEx NEVER told you that I "refused" to do the clearance. I didn't have the chance to do so because the packages are still at Swissmedic. And that's what Swissmedic told me, too. They are just still wondering what to do with the packages. Yes, you are not honest. And you are not honest about the lab reports, too. You know very well that not TWO but only ONE of the FOUR labs involved showed to be not that reliable. But even this not too reliable lab came out with an analysis absolutely in line with what was found out by the other three labs: You delivered, three times in a row, not NMN (as promised) but cheap Nicotinamid. THIS IS FRAUD. MAYBE the fouth delivery with the so called 'pharma grade NMN' (a nonsense term by the way because there is no standard that defines 'pharma grade NMN', it's just a fake term!) - maybe this is really NMN, MAYBE. Swissmedic is going to analyse this package, too. Shameful, very very shameful.
You are not honest, Dorothy, and Alibaba protects you. You are in the very comfortable position to know that you are protected. I understand very well why you call Alibaba lovingly "Ali". While Amazon, maybe, has a bias towards the customers Alibaba obviously has a bias towards its (Chinese) suppliers. If your company were listed at Amazon it would long ago be suspended immediately after this fraud was reported. Not so at Alibaba ... Alibaba squirms, refusing to admit that you or the company you represent has chaeted. Again I understand very well: If they admit that it was a scam, they are liable - AND they harm you! But they don't want to pay and they don't want to harm you. On the contrary: They hold their protective hand over their (Chinese) suppliers. Alibaba has the power to do so - and they are willing to abuse their power. As a European, I have no chance to fight it. Does it make sense for me to go to a court in China ?? You, of course, make extensively use of the opportunity Alibaba offers to you. You can lie and you need not to be logical. You need not provide information that could possibly show that you didn't cheat. Alibaba wouldn't demand that from you! You claim you offered the possibility to do an analysis by a Chinese lab. Again, you are not honest. Not honest about the fact that you had the chance to order an analysis of a sample I sent zu FCTA !! Why didn't YOU order that analysis (they had a sample sent by me) in order to relieve you just a little of the charge of fraud? Yes, I (!) canceled the order to do this analysis because I already had FOUR lab reports and for three of them I already had to pay (one was by the customs) - and all four came up with the same result. Why should I (!) again pay for this fraudulent substance being analyzed? But YOU (!) had every reason to have this sample analyzed. But you didn't take this chance. Yes, people in Europe and the United States MUST know how dangerous business via Alibaba could be! :-((
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You try to confuse the reader ! As I mentioned by myself ONE of these FOUR labs wasn't reliable (although coming to the same result as the THREE other labs !), this ONE lab sent TWO different reports with confusing results. But these results are confusing only for someone (like you and me) who is not an expert. But that's not even important. YOU ALWAYS AVOID to explain why a lab specialized on the analysis of NMN comes to the conclusion that what was delivered by your company IS NOT NMN - and that the customs lab (a state entity !) comes to the same conclusion. they analyzed a sample of these 10 kg you've sent and found out: It is Nicotinamid. You can't mistake Nicotinamid for NMN in an analysis. That's simply impossible. And you know that. Yes, YOU ARE NOT HONEST. That's imply the truth. A sad truth ! Of what use should the analysis of FCTA be? There are already TWO third party checks. Do you really suspect the Swiss Customs Lab and Intertek to cheat ? Interestingly enough YOU YOURSELF are not sure about your product. Just read what you wrote to me on 2019-09-06: "I suppose this batch really has problems." Do you remember that ? What are you telling, than, in this dialog with me AND ALIBABA ? You are trying to confuse Alibaba, don't you ? It's so shameful ! :-((
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
Submission to the Alibaba dictation
UpdatesAlibaba, the accomplice:Hi Peter, Thank you for contacting Alibaba regarding Trade Assurance order 15832966001022515. Please stay in touch with seller to reach an agreement. Best Regards, SaraTrade Dispute Mediation Department A letter of 'Kantonales Laboratorium Bern' shows that the supplier even cheated with the extremely expensive so called 'pharma grade NMN': The lab analyzed a sample and found that it is NOT (as promised) PURE NMN but a mixture of NMN and the very cheap Nicotinamid. Beside that they demand that I have to dispose/destroy the substance ! I'll try to negotiate and reach an agreement that allows me to send the packages back. The translation of the letter is as follows: Dear Mr. Niehenke As Swissmedic informed you in writing on October 7, 2019, the two packages addressed to Internet-Astrozentrum GmbH are to be examined according to the Chemicals Act ... at the Cantonal Laboratory in Bern. In a package are 10 bags of 1 kg each as vanillin declared white powder. The second package contains two pouches each containing 0.5 kg of white powder, which is also declared as vanillin. A first screening revealed that the 10 kg package was nicotinamide and the second 1 kg package was a mixture of nicotinamide and NMN. Importers of chemicals are legally equated to manufacturers, i. The chemical regulations for manufacturers also apply to importers. ... With your agreement to the false declaration, the missing product labels and the non-existent safety sheets, you have deliberately not exercised the duty of care as an importer / producer. The goods are not marketable in this form and will not be released. You have the opportunity to let us know within 30 days whether you pick up the chemicals from us and dispose of them properly. The proof of disposal must be provided to us in writing. Without a counter-report within this period, the chemicals will be destroyed by offsetting the expenses and disposal costs. With this procedure we refrain from further legal and paid steps. My negotiations with the Swiss 'Bundeslabor' (the official lab of Switzerland administration) weren't successful although they tried to help me. They told me that the substance is not "verkehrsfähig" (that means it can in no way be imported, exported or even transported). This is due to the fact that there were no labels, no safety-sheets etc. which MUST be added to a package if it contains a chemical and is to be exported/imported. The supplier did not fulfill his duties regarding the exportation of a chemical. That's HIS SOLE responsibility ! It has nothing to do with 'wrong declaration'! It's a completely different topic and the SOLE REASON that the package cannot be sent back and MUST be destroyed. The official told me that even if they would allow the package to be sent back (what they can't because this is forbidden without the labels and safety sheets that had to be added by the supplier) FedEx would accept this package because of these missing forms. And the Chinese customs would not allow this package to be imported !! For the same reasons. I'll get a letter from the officials telling me the COSTS for destruction / disposal of the substances. Let me add one word: The supplier desperately want's to get his substances back. This is just to hide the fact that the worth of these substances is nearly zero. Nicotinamid is VERY cheap. Even if the package were lost the damage for the supplier would be VERY low !! So there is no reason whatsoever not to refund me even if they don't get their packages back. And to just keep this $ 10000 they got from me for something worth nearly nothing would be a further deeply criminal act - covered by Alibaba. :-((
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You write: "We do not know how the goods were tested. Different testing methods will have different results also." You really dare to doubt the expertise of the state lab (Bundeslabor) of the Swiss administration and of an internationally established lab (Intertek) and instead believe the excuses and the nonsense your (beloved Chinese) supplier tells? You really ask: "If the goods are so cheap like you said, why seller wants to spend extra money to get them?" Is this naive or malevolent? This is the typical silly kind of reasoning of cheaters: "If we cheat you, can we make a fortune with usd50?", 'Linda', the sales woman of Xi'an Faithful Biotech Co., Lt. (ID: 101014008445) asks. Yes, they even cheat when it comes to a sample (look at my refund application for order no. 17534939001022515 - you rejected for stupid reasons). Yes, they ask such questions AND ANYWAY THEY CHEAT. Just have a look at the documentation of this unbelievable stupid dialog with 'Linda' and me, and the OBVIOUS self contradicting nonsense she tells: https://research.afega.net/NMN-Betrug-fraud/xian-faithful-biotech-co-ltd.html. Yes, they just try ! They don't have to fear any consequences, especially not from Alibaba (they lovingly call 'Ali'). Their customers are far away, they can't do them any harm ... Are you able and willing to consider that they just cheat you, Alibaba, too, and that the reason why my supplier seemingly desperately wants his package back is just that he wants to appear credible to you ? Are you able and willing to understand that so called 'food grade NMN' is a nonsense term without any meaning? Just to cover a fake? What else than these proofs I offered does it need that you are able to understand that? What does 'Linda' say? "The purity of food grade NMN cannot reach 95%, almost 50%." What more do you need as evidence ?
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice: Your logic again is rather strange. The seller violated Chinese law and the law of air transportation. And this is the reason for the fact that the package cannot be sent back! (See the attached document of the state lab) Moreover It is objectively proven that the seller cheated ! He sent Nicotinamid and pretended it to be NMN. And the state lab of the Swiss administration has proven this! So what is the difficulty in signing the responsibility ?? But I already know: You hold your protecting hand over your (Chinese) suppliers even in case they are responsible for insurance fraud. :-(( Well, the delivery of the 10 kg package is worth about $ 200 (because it is just Nicotinamid), the 1 kg package is a mixture of Nicotinamid and NMN as the state lab analyzed. Production costs will be about $ 1.000 at most !! So the damage for the seller for not getting back the package is $ 1.200 maximum. I have to pay for the disposal of the package (CHF 450,-). Not to speak of the considerable damage caused by the fact that I had to refund buyers because the two deliveries sent about one month before were fake-NMN, too ! So I would agree if $ 1.000 would be deducted from the total amount of $ 10592 that have to be refunded. So I would expect to be refunded $ 9592 !! It cannot be that the seller even makes a fortune from his fraud !! His damage is VERY LOW compared to mine!
Alibaba, the accomplice: Mr. xxx Kantonales Labor Bern T. +41.316331141 Fax: +41.316331198 File number (Aktenzeichen): 447-04-171-0049 und 19-08.0062
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You pretend trying to solve the problem but you are only searching for new stupid excuses. With teeth and claws you defend the interests of your suppliers. The interests of (Western) buyers are completely irrelevant to you. Your so called 'Trade Insurance' is just an insurance to pretend safety for the buyers. The trade insurance is nothing but a fake. :-(( You asked for an email address: Did you use it ? Why did you ask for it? To find new excuses or to find 'the truth' about the substance delivered to me? If you use it you will learn what FedEx package were analyzed. I already sent it to you month ago !! But that's not your goal. You don't want to find proof for the criminal acts of your beloved supplier. You are searching for excuses to prevent him from having to pay for his fraud. That's what you are doinig. You mean you need to analyze the substance by a third party lab? The Swiss State Lab is not sure enough for you ?? De you really doubt their expertise ? You again blame me for having confirmed wrong declaration. May I remind you (I#ve written that already twice!!): It is not MY DUTY to know the laws of air transportation. May I remind you: THE SUPPLIER OFFERED TO ME to commit a crime (insurance fraud and violating the laws of air transportation). I didn't ask for that and I would never have confirmed to such a crime if I had known that this wrong declaration is not only 'customs shortening' (which is just an administrative offence - at least in Switzerland - a minor offence, so to speak) but an insurance fraud, a crime! And a violation of the laws of air transportation. I didn't know all that AND I DON'T HAVE TO KNOW THAT. The supplier just lured me into a trap. He pretended to do it for me (to safe some money) but he did it for his own sake, he did it in order to safe a lot of work and to disguise the fraud and - most important - to shirk his responsibility with the help of Alibaba, if the fraud should be detected. You have an email address and you have phone and fax numbers. If you are honestly searching for the truth well, just use this information provided by me. Ask the officials of the Swiss administration and THEY WILL TELL YOU how reliable their analysis is ! They will tell you what FedEx packages are involved! Why did you ask for this address if you don't even intend to use it ??
Shaanxi OWENS Industry Co., Ltd.,, the scammers:
Alibaba, the accomplice:
You are a bit too lazy. Sorry. Aren't you MY INSURANCE ?? It's about a few thousand dollars! And you decide so lightly, because you do not get enough information quickly enough? Yes, the officials at the lab in Swiss are lazy, too. :-( I already sent a proof to you that the Swiss Customs have analyzed the package sent by the supplier. See the email attached. They, Swissmedic, did the analysis. Here the translation of the important part of the email: "I hereby certify that the two consignments (consignment no: 19CHEI001290154256.1 and 19CHEI001298597994.1) are with us." So I urge you to contact Swissmedic about the result of the analysis: medicrime@swissmedic.ch File no. (Aktenzeichen): 447-04-171-0049 und 19-08.0062 And may I remind you: IT IS COMPLETELY UP TO THE SUPPLIER WHAT HE DOES ! So it is of NO IMPORTANCE WHATSOEVER what the result of the analysis should be. THE SUPPLIER CONVICTED A CRIME AND HE ALONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES! So the refund does not at all depend on the result of any analysis !! Did you get that ??
Alibaba, the accomplice:
Is that so ?? And what about these documents YOU ALL ALREADY HAVE ?? These documents show: 1. The supplier sent the package to me under the name of Sgnoek, pretending to be just a branch of Sgonek ! (This again is a lie as you can see in the documents attached - Sgonek told us !!) Look through the WhatsApp dialogs how badly Dorothy was lying !! :-(( 2. The letter of the customs CLEARLY indicates in the letter attached (I already translated for you month ago): a. The tracking no. of the 10 kg Nicotiinamid b. That the Nicotinamid was wrongly declared as vanillin - a crime which THE SUPPLIER ALONE is responsible for !! c. THIS substance declared as vanillin was analyzed and it turned out it was not vanillin but Nicotinamid (that is IT WAS NOT NMN) What else do you need as a proof? What other excuses will you remember?
Absurdes Theater![]()
Alibaba, the accomplice: Parrot-chattering of a bot Dear Sarah-Bot Now I'm sure: You MUST be a bot. Like a parrot, you chatter the same thing over and over. I suspect you're just writing off what Dorothy is writing to you. She has already written this nonsense to me, too. These lousy little scammers dare to doubt an analysis of a state entity. AND YOU ARE NAIVE ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE ! Don't you think it could be worth while just to ask a real expert (a chemist) whether this nonsense Dorothy tells is at all possible ? I have to repeat it again and I feel like a parrot, too, in the conversation with you: THE ANALYSIS OF A STATE ENTITY IS A PROOF !! You got all the evidence needed (INCLUDING TRACKING NUMBERS) that the lab analyzed the package sent by Dorothy ! So just stop excuses !
Das erwartete - und auch nicht anders zu erwartende Ende des von Alibaba veranstalteten Schmierentheaters![]() Es bleibt festzustellen: Alibaba deckt nicht nur (chinesische) Kriminelle und macht sich damit zum Komplizen von Kriminellen: Alibaba gefhrdet in skrupelloser Weise die Gesundheit seiner Kunden, indem es (WISSEND um den Betrug!!) aktiv Kriminelle deckt und unterstützt, die gesundheitsgefährdende Substanzen unter falschen Etikett vertreiben. Damit handelt Alibaba selbst kriminell. |
AFEGA Research Group
Dr. Peter Niehenke
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Email: research@afega.net